Orthodontia Szczecin For many people  orthodontic treatment means pretty teeth - nice looking ones. From our perspective looking good  means that teeth function properly as well. Teeth that are correctly positioned in the arch are easier to clean, less plaque is deposited on the surface – and as a result they stay healthy for a...
This activity includes: grinding/chafing the teeth, clenching the teeth, teeth tapping. Noticeable teeth wear is usually one of the first symptoms - at the beginning in concerns enamel, then the second layer is affected- dentin. The symptoms of bruxism can include: headache, teeth wear, loose teeth, crack or fracture of teeth or crowns, dental bridges, dentures,...
Dental diagnosis
To achieve success one needs proper dental diagnosis and planning the treatment. What would building a road, home or constructing a new car without having a plan look like? And how can we create a plan if we do not know what the current situation is? The oral cavity constitutes a set of complex elements:...